Declarations and Statements


The Trust is committed to actively promoting the safety, health and wellbeing of children and adults, and to prevent harm through effective risk assessment, risk management, staff training and supervision processes. The Trust works in partnership with other agencies in each locality where the Trust has services, and through the use of approved multi-agency policies and procedures refers and investigates known or suspected cases as required.

The Trust has up to date policies and procedures for safeguarding children and adults which are available via the staff intranet. The Trust also have up to date information for clinicians on the process and contact points for safeguarding Services.

In order to provide ongoing assurance regarding safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, an annual declaration is required to be submitted to the Trust commissioners. This indicates compliance against a number of key statements. The assessment against the statements has been carried out in conjunction with key Trust staff, including the named nurses and safeguarding adult lead practitioners..

Specifically with regard to safeguarding children the Trust completes a Section 11 audit for each of the Trust’s main localities. These are completed in conjunction with and reported to the local safeguarding children boards.

Annual report

The Trust produces an Annual Report each year to provide information on how we are performing with Safeguarding Adults and Safeguarding Children. The Trust's annual report is available here.

Annual Self-Certification (May 2023)

The Trust Board, at its public meeting on 31 May 2023, considered that for the financial year ended 31 March 2023 the Trust had taken all such precautions as were necessary in order to comply with the conditions of its licence, any requirements imposed on it under the NHS Acts, and had had regard to the NHS Constitution. The Board also declared that the Trust continues to meet the criteria for holding a licence

Eliminating mixed sex accommodation

Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust is pleased to confirm that we are compliant with the government’s requirement “to eliminate mixed sex accommodation except where it is the overall best interest of the patient, or reflects the patients choice” (NHS operates framework for 2011/12).

We have the necessary facilities, resources and culture to ensure that patients who are admitted to our hospitals are treated with respect and dignity and that the EMSA is adhered to.

Evidence of compliance includes monthly reports of any breaches via the risk management strategy and the privacy and dignity policy. The wards have been up-graded to reflect D.O.H. guidance which include women only lounges and segregated sleeping accommodation, where possible.

All areas have had a privacy and dignity annual audit and action plans to identify minor concerns, these do not breach guidance but will improve patient experience.

Family and Friends test is implemented throughout the Trust


  • To continue with annual audit programme
  • To continue to monitor adverse incidents
  • To review EMSA annual audit via the Trust-wide clinical environmental risk group meeting
  • To review any feedback from the family and friends test as appropriate

May 2016

Slavery and Human Trafficking Annual Policy Statement 2024-2025

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015

  1.  Organisational Structure

The Trust provides a wide range of health and social care services across a large geographical area that includes Hull, the East Riding of Yorkshire and North Yorkshire and provides specialist mental health services to people from across the UK.

We became a foundation trust in 2010. We employ approximately 3,600 substantive staff who work at numerous at sites and locations across our catchment area throughout East Riding, Hull and Whitby.

  1. Our Approach

We are committed to ensuring there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or any part of our business activity. Our commitment is covered by our approach to modern slavery and human trafficking, which is part of our safeguarding strategy and arrangements.


Our commitment is to ensure no modern slavery is reflected in a number of our policies and procedures including:

  • Adults and Children Safeguarding policies - through these we address modern slavery issues with level three training and also provide e-learning as a stand-alone training module for modern slavery.
  • Raising Concerns and Freedom to Speak Up Policy - this policy reminds anyone who works (or has worked) in the NHS, or for an independent organisation that provides NHS services, that they are able to raise concerns - this includes agency workers, temporary workers, students, volunteers, sub-contractors and governors.

We have a strong commitment to diversity, equality and inclusion and look after the wellbeing of our people, ensuring that they are safe and cared for appropriately.  We set out the behaviours we expect our staff to abide by through our Being Humber behavioural framework.


We operate a robust recruitment policy, including conducting eligibility to work in the UK checks for all directly employed staff, and agencies on approved frameworks are audited to provide assurance that pre-employment clearance has been obtained for agency staff, to safeguard against human trafficking or individuals being forced to work against their will

Procurement and Supply Chains 

When procuring goods and services we apply NHS Terms and Conditions, a contract condition within the terms is compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.  All suppliers must comply with this as well as all relevant law and guidance and they are required to use good industry practice to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in its supply chain. It is also a requirement that they should notify the Trust immediately if it becomes aware of any actual or suspected incidents of slavery or human trafficking in its supply chains..

Board Approved: 31 January 2024 

The Bribery Act 2010 – Statement from the Chief Executive

The Bribery Act 2010 came into force on 1 July 2011. The aim of the Act is to tackle bribery and corruption in both the private and public sector.

As a NHS organisation we follow good NHS Business Practice and have robust controls in place to prevent bribery. However, as a Trust we cannot afford to be complacent and it is important that all our employees, contractors and agents comply with Trust policies and procedures, particularly with regard to procurement and sponsorship.

It is essential that everyone working for, or on behalf of, the Trust are aware of the standards of behaviour expected of them. These standards are enshrined in Trust Policy, setting out the ethics, professional conduct and probity standards that are expected of all Foundation Trust employees in relation to their standards of business conduct. The Trust is working with its staff to raise awareness of the Act.

One of the six principles of the Act is that there is top level commitment in the organisation to the prevention of bribery. The Board of Directors at Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust is committed to this and will discuss the Act at its Board meetings, to agree ways to communicate the importance of transparency and openness at all times. A Board member has been identified as the lead person in the organisation for the prevention of bribery. On behalf of the Trust I confirm our commitment to ensuring that all staff are aware of their responsibilities in relation to the prevention of Bribery.

Michele Moran
Chief Executive

Declarations of Interest

The Trust, and the people who work with and for us, collaborate closely with other organisations, delivering high quality care for our patients. These partnerships have many benefits and should help ensure that public money is spent efficiently and wisely. But, there is a risk that conflicts of interest may arise. Providing best value for taxpayers and ensuring that decisions are taken transparently and clearly are both key principles in the NHS Constitution.  As an organisation and as individuals, we have a duty to ensure that all our dealings are conducted to the highest standards of integrity and that NHS monies are used wisely so that we use our finite resources in the best interests of patients.

We have a Declarations of Interest policy which requires our staff to declare any conflicts of interest they encounter during their work. For instance, they may receive a gift from a service user, patient, carer or company that they purchase goods from on behalf of the Trust. Or, they may receive sponsorship or hospitality from another company. Some members of our staff are more likely than others to have a decision making influence over the use of taxpayers’ money because of the requirements of their role. 

Those staff we class as having a decision making influence (known as decision makers) are also required to complete a declaration, even if they don’t have an interest to declare. We call these `nil returns’.

We are required to publish interests on our website. The Conflicts of Interest file below contains information regarding interests declared. The Nil Return file contains details of those staff that have told us they have no interests to declare. 

Conflicts of Interest Declared 23-24

Conflicts of Interest Nil Returns 23-24