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Jo Kent awarded High Sheriff Award for work in Suicide Prevention

Published: 07 April 2021 to 31 December 2098

The High Sheriff Award is a thank you and well done to those who go above and beyond in the local community. They are dealt with differently across the East Riding of Yorkshire, and are given at the discretion of the High Sheriff, in consultation with others.

The awards mark the work done by members of the community, groups and charities. This year, our very own Jo Kent was honoured to receive one of the awards at the ceremony held earlier this month. 

Jo Kent is the Suicide Prevention Programme Lead at our Trust and Humber, Coast and Vale Health and Care Partnership, ICS.

Some of the work that Jo has been doing is to reduce the stigma of suicide whilst raising awareness around suicide prevention within our communities. The ‘Talk Suicide Campaign’ has now had over 10,000 people undertake the 20 minute training, which enables people to:

Jo continues to strive to improve local understanding of the risks of suicide, and provides free training to our communities to ensure that more people are aware of the topic and myths that often come with it. Jo and the wider team have also introduced a new service which ensures that people who have been bereaved or affected by suicide remain supported throughout this difficult time in their life. It is for this notable work that she has been chosen to receive the award.

If you have not done so already please visit and take the 20 minute training, it really could save a life.

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