Freedom to Speak Up
Freedom to Speak UP
As part of our commitment to quality and safety, the Trust has signed up to the national “Draw the line” campaign to be led by the Trust’s Freedom to Speak Up Guardian, Alison Flack, Transformation Programme Director (Mental Health).
The new national Freedom to Speak Up: Raising Concerns (Whisleblowing) policy is being implemented within the Trust. This ‘standard integrated policy’ was one of a number of recommendations of the review by Sir Robert Francis into whistleblowing in the NHS, aimed at improving the experience of whistleblowing in the NHS. It was expected that this policy (produced by NHS Improvement and NHS England) would be adopted by all NHS organisations in England as a minimum standard to help to normalise the raising of concerns for the benefit of all patients.
The Trust has approved Freedom to Speak Up Policy and procedure which is available on this webpage.
If you would like more information regarding this campaign, please contact Alison Flack on 01482 389379 or email