Community Mental Health Services Survey

Why have I been asked to complete this survey?

If you have received Community Mental Health Services from the following teams, you may be invited to take part in this survey. Each year, a group of patients and service users who have received Community Mental Health Services are selected at random to complete the survey. This survey is owned by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

When does this survey take place?

The survey takes place once a year, usually at the end of the year. However, these timings can be subject to change.

How do I access this survey?

You will be sent an invite to take part either via post or by text/email from an intelligence company external to the Trust (IQVIA).

What will happen to my feedback following completion of this survey?

Results of the survey can be compared to other Trusts around the country who take part. This is helpful to see where our Trust falls in comparison to others who provide the same services. Where areas for improvement arise, an action planning process is in place to ensure that issues are addressed to help us promote a positive experience for you.  

Useful links

Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust - Surveys - Care Quality Commission (