We are holding our Governor Elections
Published: 01 January 0001

We are holding elections to be a Governor for our Trust.
As a Trust, we provide a wide range of health and social care services, including acute and forensic inpatient mental health services, community mental health services, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), community services, substance misuse and learning disability services. We provide support and care for patients across a large geographical area that includes Hull, the East Riding of Yorkshire and North Yorkshire, and provide specialist mental health services to people across the UK.
In order to stand for election, you need to be a member of the Trust in a constituency or class for which you are standing. You must also be aged 16 or older at the time of nomination.
The following Governor vacancies are available
- Hull - 2 Seats
- East Riding of Yorkshire - 3 Seats
- Whitby - 1 Seat
Nominations open on Thursday 24 September 2020 and must be completed and returned by 5pm on Thursday 22 October 2020.
If you are interested in standing, a nomination form can be obtained from Ciara Hutchinson, Returning Officer, Electoral Reform Service on 020 8889 9203 or email: ftnominationenquiries@cesvotes.com
To find out more about the role, please contact Katie Colrein on 01482 389132 or by emailing katie.colrein@nhs.net
For more information about our Trust Governors and what the role entails, please take a look at our Governors page.