An introduction to William Taylor, Staff Governor
Published: 01 January 0001

Read our second Governor profile as part of our monthly Stakeholder Newsletter, this month, we take a look at William Taylor, one of our Staff Governors.
"I am passionate that children and families with complex needs are supported appropriately by our service and partner agencies. I work in the Hull child and adolescent mental health service, working with children, their families, schools and social care services.
This offers a first-hand experience of what we might aspire to improve. I stood as a governor as I feel as I want to ensure we meet our trust goals consistently. I want to help those most affected if we don’t meet our Trust goals, which is the children, families and staff. I seek to reflect on the experiences and concerns raised by staff and seek to support them.
I have a family and have lived locally for the past twenty years and have worked in the trust for about fifteen years."
To read more of our Governor profiles, click here.