Op COURAGE NHS Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Services Humber and North Yorkshire

Specialist Care and Support for Service leavers, reservists, veterans and their families.  

Op COURAGE helps veterans mental health, including service leavers, reservists, and their families with mental health support in the Humber and North Yorkshire.

Mental health problems are widespread and can affect anyone, including ex service personnel and their families such as those who served in the British Army, Royal Navy, Royal Air Force and Royal Marines. Reach out for help and support if you or someone you know is struggling with a mental health condition.

The Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service Humber and North Yorkshire service was developed from recognising that military veterans may find it difficult to access traditional NHS services once they leave the armed forces following time spent in a military environment. We acknowledge that a stigma still surrounds mental health issues and aims to reduce this by providing more accessible pathways into services.

The service provides a first point of contact for people aged 18 and over and is available to anyone who has left the armed forces after completing one day’s service or more with the British Military, is a Reservist not currently mobilised or a family member of military personnel or a member of the armed forces currently awaiting discharge (in transition).

The team offers mental health assessment by a specialist veterans mental health practitioner who is either a member of the armed forces community themselves or is sensitive to military culture and has good local knowledge.

Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust is the lead provider of Op COURAGE for the North of England. We will work in partnership with Pennine Care NHS FT, Leeds and York Partnership NHS FT, Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS FT, Walking With The Wounded, and Combat Stress.

What services does Op Courage offer?

Op COURAGE offers a range of specialist support and treatment for members of the armed forces community, which includes:

  • Helping to recognise and treat early signs of mental health problems, as well as more advanced mental health conditions and psychological trauma
  • Providing support and treatment for co-occurring mental health and substance use
  • Liaising with charities and local organisations to support wider health and wellbeing, such as help with housing, relationships, finances and employment
  • Referring to other NHS services, where needed
  • Recognising that family may also need help and care and supporting them to access this.

Who will I speak to?

Op COURAGE NHS veterans mental health service is supported by trained professionals who are from, or have experience of working with, the Armed Forces community.

If you're struggling with life post-military, this service can assist. In collaboration with Armed Forces charities, Op COURAGE is committed to providing you with the appropriate specialist care, assistance, and treatment tailored to your unique needs.

Who Op COURAGE can help

To receive help and support from Op COURAGE, you must:

  • Be a resident in England and have served in the UK armed forces for a full day.
  • Be registered with a GP surgery in England, or be willing and eligible to register with a GP.
  • Provide your military service number.

It does not matter how long ago you left the armed forces or how long you served for. You can contact Op COURAGE even if you left many years ago.

You can also contact Op COURAGE if you're still serving but have a discharge date.

How to refer to the Op COURAGE team?

Op COURAGE provides an improved and enhanced mental health service for veterans.  All veterans living in the North of England will be able to access Op COURAGE through a single phone point of contact, or alternatively you can call the local service directly.

Op Courage Humber and North Yorkshire

Telephone - 01482 335479

Email – hnf-tr.opcouragehumberandnorthyorkshire@nhs.net

Single point of contact North of England

Tel: 0300 373 33 32

Email: OpCourageNORTH@cntw.nhs.uk

The service will be available 8am – 8pm, 7 days a week

Veterans can self-refer, or be referred by a family member, a third sector organisation or their GP.

If you live somewhere else in England, find out how you can access Op COURAGE on the NHS website.

Or you can download this poster with a map showing how to reach your local Op COURAGE service.

Veterans Crisis Lines UK

We ask that veterans use their local crisis services, NHS 111 or speak with their GP.