Humber and North Yorkshire Dynamic Support Keyworker Service

The Humber and North Yorkshire Keyworker Service supports autistic people and people with a learning disability or both up to the age of 25, with the most complex needs and are inpatients in, or at risk of being admitted to, a mental health inpatient unit.

The Team

Our Keyworkers work with people, and their families, to get the right support at the right time. They will make sure that all the local services work together to meet the needs of people in a holistic and joined-up way.

Our service has been developed as a response to the NHS England long term plan which includes a commitment that ‘by 2023/24 autistic people and people with a learning disability or both, with the most complex needs will have a designated Keyworker.’ Full details can be found on NHS England’s Children and Young People Keyworker webpage

  • You can also watch a video created by our Keyworkers below:

Humber and North Yorkshire Keyworker Service Video

  • We are delighted that Hull Parent Carer Forum have created a video about our service. Please see the video below:

Our Keyworkers will:

  • Act as the main point of contact for people and their families.
  • Aim to avoid unnecessary admission to, or facilitate discharge from, a mental health inpatient unit and help to strengthen links with relevant services.
  • Work on behalf of people, and their families or carers, towards unblocking challenges and barriers.
  • Ensure all people have a clear personalised plan to promote their development.
  • Ensure that Care Education and Treatment Review recommendations/ actions are completed in a timely manner and that these are reflected in the Dynamic Support Register.
  • Ensure continuity of care for the person, working across systems and services to ensure they respond and react to the person’s needs as required.

Who can have a Keyworker?

To access a Keyworker the person must:

  • Have a diagnosis of autism, a learning disability, or both.
  • Be 0-25 years of age.
  • Have a potential risk of inpatient admission or are currently in hospital.
  • Be registered with a GP within the geographical area of Humber and North Yorkshire which includes Hull, East Riding, North Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire, York, and North Yorkshire.
  • The person must be registered on the Dynamic Support Register (DSR) at either Blue (inpatient), Red or Amber. Those at Green currently do not receive an allocated Keyworker, however, may receive signposting or consultation. (please see infographic here or below for further information). The DSR was developed to ensure that people and families get the right support at the right time, and that local systems are responsive to meeting their needs in a holistic and joined up way. Keyworking is a function of the DSR.

If the person is not on the DSR please contact the Admission Avoidance Hub for Humber or North Yorkshire and York. 

Humber (Hull, East Riding, North Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire):

North Yorkshire and York:

Our service flexible to meet individual needs:

  • We can arrange for an interpreter if you or your family need one.
  • Let us know if you want or need information in a certain way and we will try to provide this.

Our service is confidential. We will discuss with you who we share your information with. If we are concerned about the safety of a person we have a duty to report this. We are committed to working with the Safeguarding Children’s Board Guidelines and the Principles of the Children Act 1989 (updated 2004).

How to Access this Service

Enquiries are welcomed from people and their families, alongside queries from professionals.

The Lead Professional involved in the person’s care can make a referral by completing the referral form below. Our consent form will also need to be completed by the person or their parent/carer (the consent form can also be found below).

Contact Details

Our telephones and email address are monitored between the hours of 9am - 5pm from Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).

Postal Address only:

Humber and North Yorkshire Keyworker Service,

Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust,

Willerby Hill,

Beverley Road,


East Riding of Yorkshire,

HU10 6ED 

Opening Times

Our telephones and email address are monitored between 9.00am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays).

Keyworker Service Family & Friends Survey

Your feedback is important to us, we would really like to ask you a few questions based on your experience of our services. To take part in our Friends and Family Test Survey (also available in Easy Read Format) please follow the link and enter the Team Code KS112 when prompted: Friends and Family Test (


Complaints can be contacted on: