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Trust Information

Friends and Family Survey

If you would like to provide some feedback on our service then please follow the link below and enter the appropriate code for your child’s registered GP.

For children with a Hull GP please enter code: CD003

For children with a East Riding GP please enter code: CD004



Safeguarding Adults and Children is everyone’s business and responsibility.

Health services along with many other public services have a duty to act upon concerns and seek support. Those concerns don’t need to be evidenced to have a discussion with an experienced safeguarding colleague and could prevent further harm occurring. This includes concerns about extremism and referrals to PREVENT.

Our Team consists of:

Please contact us on either:
Mobile: 07580 520260 Tel 01482 590270
More information regarding the East Riding Safeguarding Boards can be found at the following websites:

Safeguarding Adults Board

Safeguarding Children Board


PALS (Patient advice and liaison service)

You can talk to PALS who provide confidential advice and support to patients, families and their carers, and can provide information on the NHS and health related matters.

The Complaints and PALS department aims to provide information, investigate (where appropriate), respond to and learn from complaints and enquiries from any sources, including but not exclusively patients, their families and carers.
Our Trust is committed to using comments, compliments, concerns and complaints from service users, their relatives or carers to continuously monitor and improve the services it provides. 
Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust works to the Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service Complaints (England) Regulations 2009.


Tel:01482 303966

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